

Amica C s.r.o. wurde 1990 als EDV-Firma gegründet. Seitdem wurde ein kompetentes Entwicklerteam aufgebaut das Dienstleistungen im Bereich der Informationssysteme anbietet. Hierzu gehört die Bedarfsanalyse beim Kunden, die Erstellung der Konzeptstruktur, die Anwendungsentwicklung und deren Einbindung ins Kundensystem sowie der notwendige technische Support.

For our clients and partners we provide customer-tailored software realized in the capacity of our guideline or we provide our analytics and developers capacities to our partner companies. The lynchpins of our development are systems developed in full scale by our employees. From these systems are reeled the applications which we realize with our business partners. 

Especially these:

  • Graphic information system ProOpen – system developed in full scale by our developers. The system create a base for:
    • Desktop applications dedicated for OS Windows
    • Internet and intranet applications, web servers, WMS clients and WMS servers
    • Navigation and tourist systems
    • Technology systems
  • Database application – desktop, internet and intranet, supporting local work with data or client – server type technology (support of MSSQL, Sybase and Oracle)

During co-operation with our partner firms the focus lies especially on platforms which creates base for our own system development. Foremost it is environments: Microsoft Visual Studio – Microsoft Visual C++. NET, CA Visual Object and Microsoft Visual C#.NET.

Our goals from origin are mainly changeless, henceforth we want to build stable and well-performing company in the field of development and application of information systems. And our main ambition is to be reliable partner for customers, providers and employees.




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čp. 59, 049 43 Jablonov nad Turňou
IČO: 31663460, DIČ: SK2020500537
Telephone: +421 905 506 873
Bank connection EUR: 513898573/7500
ČSOB, a.s. Rožňava

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