MEDIcal COmplications and ONcology

Is specialized program designed for the selected clinics of the hospital for collecting, archiving and analyzing post-surgical mortality rate data structured according to international standards.


  • Central patient database – diagnosis, medical treatments, surgical procedures, post-surgical complications
  • Quick retrospective analysis of complications related to the procedure and the patient for a specific period of time
  • Statistic outputs for support quality of decision-making processes
  • Active oncology register with information about surgical procedure, pre-surgical staging, restaging and histopathological finding according to present most modern knowledge about parametric indicators of oncological radicality
  • Statistic and graphic outputs from oncology module including Kaplan-Meier survival analysis
  • Administrative module for managing clinics and key tables of the program
  • Work in OS Windows environment on PC stations with regular office standard. Data base supposes using of MS SQL server in generally available version

System requirements:

  • Client station is compatible with MS Windows Vista or later
  • Database server MS SQL Server 2008 or later


mapa firmy


čp. 59, 049 43 Jablonov nad Turňou
IČO: 31663460, DIČ: SK2020500537
Telephone: +421 905 506 873
Bank connection EUR: 513898573/7500
ČSOB, a.s. Rožňava

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